Hide those annoying cross-outs texts that are displayed when eliminating a payment and avoid confusion with the condominium owner as well as with other administrators.
This new option will help you activate or deactivate the permissions/roles of each administrator user, so the option to view those receipts canceled and/or crossed out will depend on whether you allow it or not.
ROUTE: Settings > Administrator settings > ROLE > Locate the option "View Canceled Receipts" > Activate or deactivate it according to your needs > Do not forget to save changes in "modify"

🚨 IMPORTANT: By default all profiles have this option deactivated, therefore you will have to activate it if you want to see the payments crossed out, if you don't want it, just ignore the permission.
Once the permission is activated, you will be able to view all canceled or crossed out payments from the PAYMENTS option from the unit (Administration > Units > Select the unit > PAYMENT) or, from your income report: Report > Income report > STATUS = CANCELED)
TIP: To validate the changes faster we suggest you close and log in or clear the cache of your browser
Updated on: 16/06/2022
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