Capture income: My condominium owners have already started paying me. What should I do?
Even if you find yourself working on your new account (filling in data, creating installments, making adjustments) there are times when daily operations do not stop and the condominium owners begin to report payments, but don't worry! You can also capture those payments that will be arriving or, payments that must already be reflected in your platform:
1- Enter the necessary information such as mount, date, comment if required.

The system will automatically assign the oldest debt, however you can select or deselect the installment you want right in the boxes on the left side of the debt

2-Once the information has been entered, click on the PAY option to finish the operation.

Route: Finances > Capture income > Select unit (house, apartment, local etc.)
1- Enter the necessary information such as mount, date, comment if required.

The system will automatically assign the oldest debt, however you can select or deselect the installment you want right in the boxes on the left side of the debt

2-Once the information has been entered, click on the PAY option to finish the operation.

Updated on: 16/06/2022
Thank you!