This section is a fundamental piece for transparency in the condominium, from this report we can see the summary of expenses of the condominium which is fed by the information captured by the administrators.
Route: Report > Expenses Report > Select search period

This data is displayed in columns that can be hidden and shown depending on the report you need, this from the button that appears in the upper right that says SHOW/HIDE COLUMN

Date: This is the date it was made.
Folio: Administrative control field that can be an internal folio or refer to the receipt folio.
Article: Corresponds to the exact concept in which the money was used.
Account: This indicates the origin of the money that was used for the operation.
Category: The category within which the expense falls.
Provider: Entity with which the transaction was made.
Total: Movement amount.
Other values that are hidden from the normal display of the page, but are easily accessible from the Show/Hide Columns button are:
Type: Expenditure subcategory.
Comment: Notes written by the administrator who captured it
Attachment: Link to download the proof file.
Reference: Reference of the movement.
Admin: Admin who captured it.
Route: Report > Expenses Report > Select search period

This data is displayed in columns that can be hidden and shown depending on the report you need, this from the button that appears in the upper right that says SHOW/HIDE COLUMN

Date: This is the date it was made.
Folio: Administrative control field that can be an internal folio or refer to the receipt folio.
Article: Corresponds to the exact concept in which the money was used.
Account: This indicates the origin of the money that was used for the operation.
Category: The category within which the expense falls.
Provider: Entity with which the transaction was made.
Total: Movement amount.
Other values that are hidden from the normal display of the page, but are easily accessible from the Show/Hide Columns button are:
Type: Expenditure subcategory.
Comment: Notes written by the administrator who captured it
Attachment: Link to download the proof file.
Reference: Reference of the movement.
Admin: Admin who captured it.
Updated on: 16/06/2022
Thank you!