How can my residents log in to the mobile app and the WEB app?

Once you have all your condominium settings complete with information (balances, directory, installments, etc.) you can send a welcome email to all the condominium owners so they can access in both the mobile app (cell phone/tablet) and their WEB application (through a computer)

There are three ways to send the welcome email:


1- Condominium > General announcements > Massive welcome mail, to be sent to all residents

2- Condominium > Individual messages > Select the required unit > Welcome mail (envelope icon with a yellow star), for the welcome mailing individually.

3- Administration > Users and units > Select the unit > Send welcome email.

You must make sure that all the condominium owners have a valid email, otherwise they will NOT be able to access any of the apps.

In all three cases the mail will contain the following:

1-URL to access the Web platform

2-Email previously assigned by the administrator


⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE: When entering your email, the condominium owner must click on the link provided and create their own password.


Updated on: 15/06/2022

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