As an administrator you will no longer have to assign and/or edit the password of a resident/owner. Now they can enter the password they want, you just have to send them a welcome email.
Condominium > General announcements > Massive welcome mail, to be sent to all residents.
·INDIVIDUAL EMAILING (one or more units/houses)
1-Condominium > Individual messages > You select the required unit > Welcome mail (envelope icon with a yellow star), for the welcome mailing individually.
2-Administration > Users and units > Select the corresponding unit > Send welcome email
In all 3 cases the mail will contain the following:
1-URL to access the Web platform
2-Email previously assigned by the administrator
3-Link or URL for password assignment

The condominium owner, when entering his email, must click on the link provided and create his own password

Condominium > General announcements > Massive welcome mail, to be sent to all residents.
·INDIVIDUAL EMAILING (one or more units/houses)
1-Condominium > Individual messages > You select the required unit > Welcome mail (envelope icon with a yellow star), for the welcome mailing individually.
2-Administration > Users and units > Select the corresponding unit > Send welcome email
In all 3 cases the mail will contain the following:
1-URL to access the Web platform
2-Email previously assigned by the administrator
3-Link or URL for password assignment

The condominium owner, when entering his email, must click on the link provided and create his own password

Updated on: 15/06/2022
Thank you!