What do I do when my fee increases or decreases and I have already generated my collection cycle?
This is a very common thing that happens within an administration.
As a first step, the current fees or collection cycle should be eliminated.
Route: Settings> edit collective fees> click on the red X on the right side to delete.

To reload it is important to take into the account the quota that the system will take for collective creation, which is the one that is configured from:
Route: Settings> unit settings> quota section, being able to enter or modify it manually and individually.
By having the new fee configured per unit, you can proceed to charge your new collection cycle.
Ruta: Finance > generate fees > select if your fee is fixed or per square meter, we suggest using the same method as the previously eliminated fee > you can see that a fee per unit is already configured, the previous one registered from settings > enter date and concept > click on green "add column" button > verify charges > information confirmation screen > accept.

Are you wondering what happens to the payments made to the installments previously configured?
Well, the system keeps the captured payment in "stand by" to automatically adjust them.
If the fee is less than the previous one, if before it was $700 and now it is $500, when making the adjustment your resident will have a credit balance of $200.
If the fee is less than the previous one, if before it was $700 and now it is $500, when making the adjustment your resident will have a credit balance of $200.

This way your collection cycle is configured correctly after making changes.
Updated on: 13/06/2022
Thank you!