Learn about each of the roles and their functions within the platform ✍🏻



Information: Permission to create, attach and modify the entire Information section.
Announcements / Messages: Permission to send announcements and messages to users registered in the system.
Surveys Permission to create and/or edit polls/votes and send them to users.



Users: Permissions to see the information of the users and financial information of the private units.
Edit Users: Permissions to create, edit and delete users from the different private units.
Common areas: Permission to create, edit and delete common areas as well as create, approve and reject reservations.
Tickets (Complaints and Suggestions): Permission to view and track user tickets and complaints.



Fees: Permissions to create charges for ordinary fees (maintenance) or service fees in bulk or individually.
Income: Permission to capture income and invoice income (ONLY APPLY FOR MEXICAN TAXPAYERS)
Expenses: Permission to capture expenses, modify checks in transit and edit the supplier catalog.
Transfers: Permission to capture transfers between accounts.
Budgets: Permission to capture and edit annual budgets.
Request Waivers: Permission to request waivers of maintenance fees.
Approve Waivers: Permission to approve or reject said waivers.
View Canceled Receipts: Permission to view canceled payments within the system.



Statement of Results (Monthly and Annual Report): Permissions to see the monthly statements of results, comparisons with budgets and reconciliations.
Income Report: Permissions to search captured income, view issued invoices, send them by mail or print them.
Egress Report: Permission to search captured expenses.
Delinquent Report: Permission to see the delinquency of private units.
Email and Access Log: Permission to view the log of all emails and logins to the system.
History of actions: Permission to see the log of the actions carried out within the system by all administrators.



Updated on: 14/06/2022

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