How do I send my residents their Collection Notices in massive way?
It is important to know what a collection notification is in Condovive.
This is a document that is sent at the beginning of the month in which the payment deadline is indicated, only notifying maintenance debt.
Route: Administration > Top menu "Balances" > you can use the selection tool on the left side or select each unit individually > Click on the "send collection notice" button".

You will be able to choose any of the 3 options below the search box:

Or select the units you need from the box on your left side:

A page will open allowing you to select:
- Sending profiles.
- installment date.
- Deadline date.
- Concept.
- Fixed fee or per square meter.
As well as add comments to its residents.

Click on the "Generate" button > being able to see the document with the information of the units to which your collection notice will be sent > Click on the mail icon to send via email or on the printer icon to print it.

Updated on: 15/06/2022
Thank you!