These fees are the ones a service is involved, such as: water, electricity, gas, internet, among others. These are generated in a similar way to extraordinary fees.

If you wish to verify the extraordinary fees guide, click on the following link:


CLICK ROUTE: Finanzas > Generar cuotas de servicio

1-Select the date to be generated.

2-The concept or type of charge.

3-ALWAYS entering an additional concept, this is in order to clarify the reason for the fee/charge

4-Finally, the amount that it will have. This section works like an Excel sheet, so you can drag the information or simply copy and paste from another Excel file.

NOTA: Make sure that your concept does not have special characters or signs since the system will not recognize them.

If you want to send it via email, just select the type of profile to which the payment notification will arrive.

Once you have the complete information, just click on VERIFY CHARGES (save).


You can create/delete concepts every time you need it from the CONFIGURAR CUOTAS option in the upper right part in blue (arrow)


Updated on: 13/06/2022

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